세계에서 가장 강력한 풍속 센서

FT7 series surrounded by ice crystals

Acu-Res® 기술

FT의 독자적인 음향 공명(Acu-Res®) 기술은 전 세계의 중요한 제어 시스템에서 신뢰받고 있습니다. Acu-Res® 풍속 센서는 공기의 온도, 압력, 습도의 변화에 자동으로 보정하여 데이터의 연속성을 유지합니다.

세계에서 가장 혹독한 날씨를 견디다

FT 풍속 센서는 해상 풍력 발전소부터 아이슬란드의 송전선까지 극한 환경에서 신뢰할 수 있는 데이터를 제공하는 것으로 입증되었습니다. IPX6K로 밀봉되어 있으며, 내식성, 서지 보호 기능을 갖추고 있으며, 결빙 없는 작동을 위한 강력한 가열 기능을 제공합니다.

power line in snowy mountains

왜 FT를 선택해야 하나요


초기 제품 검사부터 교정 및 테스트에 이르기까지 품질은 FT 테크놀로지의 제조 원칙의 핵심입니다. FT는 ISO 9001 및 ISO 14001 인증을 보유하고 있으며, 새로운 제품 개발에 있어 APQP4 Wind를 준수합니다.


0에서 90m/s까지의 풍속을 측정하고 10Hz로 데이터를 출력하는 FT의 독자적인 Acu-Res® 기술은 지연 없이 정확한 풍속 측정을 제공합니다.


경화 알루미늄, 방수 하우징, 산업용 커넥터, 전신 가열 기능을 갖춘 FT 풍속 센서는 극한 환경에서도 신뢰할 수 있는 풍속 및 풍향 데이터를 제공합니다.


With industry-leading quality control measures in place, FT technologies manufactures professional-grade wind sensors that are chosen for a range of demanding applications. Whether you want to upgrade your wind turbines, gain weather warnings for critical infrastructure or get accurate wind data for your autopilot, FT wind sensors ensure you receive reliable data 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

35년의 경험

FT 테크놀로지는 35년 이상 음향 공명 풍속 센서를 설계하고 제조해왔습니다. 20년 이상 풍력 터빈 산업의 주요 공급업체로서, 우리는 모든 풍속 센서를 영국에서 설계 및 제조하고 전 세계로 수출합니다.

Front of FT Technologies office
FT7 series wind sensor photograph with schematic diagram behind

FT7 시리즈

FT7 시리즈 풍속 센서는 가장 극한의 조건에서도 연중 무휴로 유지보수 없이 작동할 수 있는 "설치 후 잊어버릴" 솔루션입니다.

FT6 series wind sensor photograph with schematic diagram behind

FT6 시리즈

FT6 시리즈 풍속 센서는 전문가급 성능을 제공하면서도 최종 사용자에게 미치는 무게 영향을 최소화하도록 설계되었습니다.

고객의 말씀

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias

The FT205, mounted on our drone, worked perfectly in real fire situations. The data it produced proved critically important to the emergency services as they were able to predict the spread of the blaze during the night.

Javier Prada Delgado

Dronetools SL

After hearing about the reliable performance of the FT sensor and then holding it in my hand and feeling the difference in weight and size, I was convinced. The weather can throw anything at us now. Changing to the FT sensor has made it possible to keep these turbines running, even in our coldest winter conditions.

Guy Le Blanc

Minnesota Wind Farm

The FT wind sensor was the only one to survive – the other two ultrasonic wind sensors were so badly damaged they stopped working altogether. The FT sensor, however, remained ice-free and continued giving measurements, and that was one of the worst icing events we have ever seen at the observatory.

Cesar Lopez

Sieltec Canarias